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Is Solar Power Right for My Home? A Guide for Homeowners

Solar Panel Installation Guide for Homeowners | AEC Solar

Across the UK, over one million homeowners have decided to invest in solar panel installation as a viable solution to reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills.

Even in a time when there is a push for sustainable living and to be more energy-conscious, solar panel installation can still seem daunting. If you know the right information about solar panels, you can have a more informed and easier decision-making process.

At AEC Solar, we are experts in Residential Solar PV and understand the many benefits that Solar Panel Installation can have for your home.

How do Solar Panels work?

Before getting into the benefits of solar panel installation, it’s useful to understand how they work:

1. Sunlight hits the panels and is absorbed by photovoltaic (PV) cells which energises the electrons. 

2. The movement of the energised electrons, creates DC (direct current) electricity.

3. An inverter converts the DC electricity generated by the panels into AC electricity, as this is what most homes rely on.

4. This electricity is then used to power elements throughout your home, such as lights, appliances, EV chargers, etc.

5. If your panels generate more electricity than your home needs, the surplus can either be stored in batteries for later use or sent back to the grid. Some utility companies even offer money back for the electricity you send back. 

Is Solar Panel Installation worth the money?

The initial cost of solar panels versus the savings that follow is often a key focus point for homeowners. When considering both the long- and short-term financial benefits, it is clear that solar panel installation can have a positive impact.

One of the most obvious and immediate benefits of solar panel installation is the potential for substantial savings on your energy bills. Once installed, your solar panels will start providing you with free energy. As solar panels generate electricity independently, you can significantly offset your reliance on the grid. In the instance you produce surplus energy, this can even be fed back into the grid, allowing you to earn money back.

Solar Panels can also increase your property’s value, making them not only a great investment to bring energy bills down currently but also provide future value. Investing in solar panel installation for your home has been shown to increase the value of properties by at least £2,000.

Want to know more about how much solar panels can save you on your energy bills? Get in touch with us.

Can Solar Panels Reduce My Carbon Footprint?

Unlike traditional energy sources, solar energy is clean, efficient, and sustainable. Solar panels convert sunlight into energy without creating any CO2. With solar panel installation, you are directly reducing your carbon footprint by not relying on traditional energy production.

Are Solar Panels Efficient all year round?

Due to the advancements in solar panel technology, most solar panels work well in both cloudy and winter weather. On cloudy days, the panels can still harness the power of the sun even if it is not as strong.

Despite producing less energy in winter due to the shorter days, solar panels can still work throughout the year and remain unaffected by rain and light snow. It has even been shown that solar panels are more efficient in cooler weather.

Why Choose AEC Solar for your Solar Panel Installation?

If you think solar panels are right for your home, then AEC Solar is here to help. As specialists in solar panel installation in York & North Yorkshire, we offer a comprehensive 4-step process to ensure you get the very best product, installation, and service:

Step 1 – Contact Us. We provide further information and offer a free no-obligation design proposal, either via email or in person.

Step 2 – Survey. We carry out a home survey to discuss suitability and installation preferences.

Step 3 – Installation. Following the agreement of the proposal and installation date, our team will install and set up your new system, as well as connect it to your mobile phone.

Step 4 – Aftercare. We provide peace of mind via expert aftercare to support you and your new system, alongside industry-backed warranties.

Need any more information on solar panel installation? Contact our expert team today for more information and a free proposal.

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