The Benefits of Adding Solar Battery Storage to Your Solar System

Solar Battery Storage | Solar Systems | AEC Solar

The adoption of solar energy is growing steadily across the UK, with an increasing number of households acknowledging the financial and environmental advantages of harnessing solar power. As more solar panels are installed, interest in solar battery storage is also rising. This technology boosts the efficiency and reliability of solar energy systems, and according to UK government estimates, integrating battery storage systems could save the UK energy sector up to £40 billion by 2050.

At AEC Solar, we are specialists in solar battery storage and understand how adding battery systems to your solar system can enhance the benefits of solar energy for your home.

What is Solar Battery Storage?

Solar battery storage captures and stores excess energy generated by solar panels during sunny periods. When solar panels aren’t producing electricity, such as at night or on excessively cloudy days, these batteries can provide the stored energy to power your home. Compact in size, solar battery storage units can be added to existing solar systems and work by monitoring and managing power levels to efficiently supply electricity to your appliances.

How does Solar Battery Storage Work?

The process begins when solar cells convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity, which flows to an inverter that converts it into alternating current (AC) for household use. If your home’s electricity demand is less than the energy generated, the surplus DC power is used to charge the battery. The battery can then discharge stored energy to power your appliances, allowing you to benefit from solar power even when the sun has set.

What are the benefits of Solar Battery Storage?

Maximising Energy Usage

One of the main benefits of adding solar battery storage to your solar system is the ability to maximise the use of the electricity generated by your panels. Without solar battery storage, any excess energy produced during the day is typically exported back to the grid, normally at a lower rate than what you pay for electricity. With solar battery storage, you can store this surplus energy and use it later when your solar panels aren’t generating power. This self-consumption allows you to reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills.

Energy Independence

Adding solar battery storage to your solar system can also enhance your energy independence. With a battery, you are less vulnerable to changes in energy prices and less reliant on the grid. This is particularly useful during power outages. Solar battery storage can provide backup power during these outages, ensuring that your essential appliances continue to run, and your home always remains comfortable.

Cost Savings

By storing and using more of the energy you generate, you can significantly reduce your electricity bills. The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme allows you to sell any surplus energy you do not use back to the grid. Solar battery storage helps you control when and how much energy you export, allowing you to maximise your earnings under the SEG.

As energy prices continue to rise, the savings provided by battery storage are likely to increase, improving the return on investment over time.

Reducing your Carbon Footprint

Solar battery storage not only offers financial benefits but also helps reduce your carbon footprint. By storing and using more of the solar energy you generate, you decrease your reliance on fossil fuels, which still power much of the UK’s grid electricity.

Solar Battery Storage York with AEC Solar

If you would like any more information on solar battery storage for your home, get in touch with our expert team who will be happy to help.

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